The initial moments of the match saw Greasy Rose taking control, mounting Peyton and applying a combination of breast smother and grapevine.
Peyton managed to escape, but Greasy Rose expertly transitioned into a full nelson, forcing Peyton to submit.
Recognizing the challenge ahead, Peyton retaliated aggressively with hair pulling, breast slaps and butt slaps, engaging in a dirty fight against the rookie.
Greasy Rose, however, proved her ability to fight back, and Peyton's lovely ass turned red under the rookie's counterattacks.
Around the 5-minute mark, Greasy Rose scored again, prompting Peyton to express frustration about the rookie's strong thighs.
What happened during the rest of the match? A lot! We can tell you there were 4 more submissions…and the loser was the last one to score!
The post-round punishment was a mix of pleasure and pain, with the winner starting her performance by delivering hard slaps to the loser's tits. Then she suddenly stopped and kissed and sucked the loser's nipples...before resuming slapping them!
But there's more, much more, on this exciting forfeit, that was the icing on top of the cake of a hell of a match!